One night at a Call Centre was Chetan Bhagat’s second book and the first among his works that I read. It was probably well-received by the readers and got Bhagat his now-huge fan-base as he was one of the few Indian writers who made his story so effortlessly believable as he took on reality through fiction. That definitely went down well with the readers, as this was the first time where an author spoke from the heart through his characters, about the things the youth connected with. From the lucid language used to the associable daily-life descriptions in his debut novel, Bhagat struck the right chord with Young India. The “call from God” at the end of the book dint provide for a strong and appreciable close, but he had already done enough to win the hearts of several thousand young, modern Indians. His first book (and by far his best book) was Five Point Someone. Because it wasn’t about some regular love story or a depressing suicide attempt. It was realistic, a unique concept in te...