Ascent on Descent

“I am becoming a rock. But that’s the thing about rocks - don’t let the sheer size fool you; the slightest of dust unassumingly settles and the mighty winds corrode it.”

I had to end it with a note. For me it’s a uber  high - writing.

As the curtains close on 2015, I reminiscence what the year gone by has been like. Most posts have a backdrop – this doesn’t really have one so I’m not sure how this will turn out. Long , yes. Good – um, let’s go further to find out?
Some thoughts scratched my head about what the curtain-call post would contain, several thoughts brushed past me. They were about the lessons I learnt in the past year, the people I met, the experiences I lived, the crazy things I did. The strings of my heart were being tugged to make me consider writing about some mental notes I had made while I learnt about people, events and experiences.  One heart string struck the note of gratitude, the other of venting out those hidden feelings, the third was just shush-ing me up from thinking so much - while in the midst of all this thought chaos,  I was left wondering about how would I possibly sum an entire year in a few words.

I must and always will being on the note of gratitude. With every passing day, I am more convinced that I have many blessings that I can count and I am so grateful to the Almighty for showering me with His abundance in the form of parents, friends and well-wishers. I have spent some wonderful happy times with them in the year gone by and I thank the Lord for presenting me with such opportunities. It’s not like I won the lottery, but when you are surrounded by the people who love you and you love back, the cup overfloweth! This is the real wealth in life. I ask Him to grant them joy, health & prosperity always. I also met some wonderful new people, some funny forgettable characters and strengthened my bond with some existing persons, all of which has been a truly enriching interpersonal and self - developmental experience.

A few things really broke my heart this year – seeing how justice is not something you can come to expect or put your faith in, in this county. Be it the Talvar movie that opened up a Pandora’s box on how we treat victims and suspects; or be it the treatment a poplar movie star received that helped him go scot free in a homicide – I am saddened to say that as Indians we cannot rely on a person or a body to seek fairness and truth. If this doesn’t change, there will be no principle called honesty left in this nation. Money, influence and power will be the pillars on which the judiciary would stand – built on the foundation of dishonesty, shame and crimes. My sincere hope is for this nation of the Mahatma is to be what he advocated – one of peace and truthfulness.
You check a video on the messaging app on your mobile phone one morning just to see the clip of a man falling off a crowded train ; feeling unsure about what is more disturbing – the death of the youth or the sheer apathy with which the last moments of an individual’s life has been caught on tape and circulated. Waking up to a newspaper that reports 800 persons have died in similar train-related accidents in just one year in one city breaks you down even further. It  proves only one miserable thing – in a country of 1 billion, 800 is too small a number for a government to care for. There is serious lack of regard and value for human life here – for all those who love themselves so very much to take 30 selfies a week – just look at the relativity – nobody cares! So beware! The day each of these one billion lives will be cared for will be the day we can truly say that we are a people’s nation and humanity is our concern. My heart also goes out to those across the world who have lost their homes, loved one’s and lives, to war and conflict. I am deeply saddened to hear that humans are capable of mistreating other humans in the name of God and religion and I wish to be an ambassador for peace – to be able to show that people of all kinds can live as one – the only common unifying factor required is good intent.  I deeply pray for those in conflict zones – I hope their struggle ends soon and that you get a fighting chance to live a normal, happy life.

I tried some new things this year – I wore red bold lipstick to work quite often, not giving much thought to the “log kya kahenge” tag that always sprung up in my head. It’ s been such a liberating good feel  to see how confident, happy and at ease you feel once you make up your mind to do it  and be yourself. Another big avenue opened up for me this year – I have begun to dance – something that was an unopened chapter in my life till date. Be it at a party or just while on the passenger seat of the car to some peppy number on the radio – I am enjoying music and moving to it, thoroughly. To such a large extent, that I ensure the shy “I don’t dance” types of persons are picked up me and thrust onto the dance floor so that they can experience the magic of letting your hair down to have a good time. I also kept up my promise made at the start of the year – to read more, to get back to writing as far as I can. I’m happy to say I’ve given it a few fair attempts.
The reason this post is titled “Ascent on Descent” is also based on one of the experiences that Iv’e had in 2015. Climbed down a tiny mountain – it looked exciting and easy at first but the real challenge was to take that first step downhill – your brain refuses to command your legs to move even a centimeter backwards. With some crazy faith, steely guts and desire to conquer, I began my descent. The elated feeling I felt, reaching the sea –level was indeed ascent – a happy high – a sense of achievement.
Yet another quick moving year, yet another long blog post, many powerful stories, many strong lessons,  many happy moments and  yet another basket full of memories – I look forward to 2016 with hope for the people of the world as for myself – may they find truth, peace and happiness.  

Work. Dance. Stay Fit. Choose. Read. Pray. Give. Celebrate. Love. Live.


  1. Thank you so much for posting something so powerful my dear. What a way to step into a New Year ahead. I must mention that I am your biggest fan and love what you express through your words. One of the biggest reasons I smile for the start of this year is to look forward for many more write ups by you. Keep inspiring the world around you sweetheart.. God bless and you're the best.

  2. Thank you so much for posting something so powerful my dear. What a way to step into a New Year ahead. I must mention that I am your biggest fan and love what you express through your words. One of the biggest reasons I smile for the start of this year is to look forward for many more write ups by you. Keep inspiring the world around you sweetheart.. God bless and you're the best.


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