They make us write essays in schools and colleges about Vision India 2020 but … We are less than one decade away from making those dreams turn to reality, but just opening the newspapers daily in the morning makes you want to go back to sleep again because the dreams we dream seem a far cry from what we perceive our future to look like.

The Commonwealth Games scam, the 2g scam the 3G scam, the cash-for-votes scam, the F1 scam the F2 scam..F11 (God HELP us)scam…..p3,q9,..z ^infinity scam. Soon you won’t be able to count them off your fingers.

And they say “India is a poor country”. What-evah.

How could you possibly be showing adverts and be reporting that political parties are giving out food grains, cattle and electronic items and cash to woo voters? The regional channels air adverts glorifying these parties to be doing “philanthropic” work for the people of their state. How can someone choose such shameless people to lead you? It’s simply disgusting. Isn’t this reason enough for you to lose faith in the system? It is for me. How do they expect us to come forward and vote?

The amount of money involved in every kind of scam is shocking. Just the numbers put your head in a tizzy. We do have money for the IPL and to reward our cricketing heroes. This is the country where to secure a job with a leading IT company you need to pay them close to one lakh rupees and sign a contract with them for two years. But to think that, with one of the largest populations to feed, we don’t even have sufficient food grains (reaching out to the masses), electricity or drinking water supply in most villages, it’s just a woeful and sorry state of affairs in our country.

And oh yeah, we most certainly do not have enough supplements to give out to our under-grad students for their university examinations.

“It’s just a Twitter/Facebook revolution, isint it?” ask the cynics.
So you call it “empowering the people” stuff and go on a hunger strike. The seemingly non-violent way is the only way to make to government relent and give in to your needs. And, it actually does that for you.

Why? Because it gets the status of a”people’s movement”. And you call yourself the world largest democracy. So what choice does it leave a government when it citizens come out in huge numbers, age/religion alike, to emotionally blackmail it? Who dares to say “no” to people who associate themselves and all their acts to be “Gandhian”?

And after a week of crazy media coverage, a hundred Facebook pages, a thousand likes, a another thousand “Main Anna hoon” display pictures and topis, where are you? Staring a successful Jan Lokpal Bill? Or walking into a corruption-free government office? Nope.You are still getting the endlessly noisy, annoying media coverage. About what exactly will be the next move of the committee. About how successful will we be in eradicating corruption.Oh,and how can you not mention?
The war of words, the who- is- on- whose- side game. Misquoted statements .Fallouts.These are now perennially persistent. And more reasons to stop watching the news channels…the drama continues.

And the profile pictures’ have changed, mind you.

I don’t really understand why a certain model thinks that the apt gift to the victorious Indian cricket team ideal is to see her strip..Woman, for the love of God, the players are rolling in crores. State Governments are offering them houses and cash as if it were peanuts. They could get a hundred women to strip(yeah and ,actually strip and not just talk about it like you did to get your 15 seconds of fame) for them if they felt like. And do you really have to win a Cricket World Cup to see a stripper? Everybody knows there are less difficult ways than that.

It beats me. Why do women in India promise to strip and then suddenly realize that they are…oops!! “Indian Women”?

It’s not just annoying for the believers of Indian culture to know that the women of their country openly speak their mind to do willingly commit such “shameful acts”. Personally, I do feel sad for all the men too who were eagerly waiting. Hard luck, boys..Such a disappointment!!

And yeah,in the middle of all this,Shahid Afridi calls us “heartless”. My question to Mr. Afridi is, name one country(which has a good heart) in this world that would have spent lakhs of rupees on keeping Ajmal Amir Kasab alive for two years after what he did to us on 26/11/2008.

We may witness an oil crisis on account of the looming turmoil in the Middle East, or the common man may end up broke just buying himself basic commodities, keeping in mind the ever inflating-inflation and the ever-increasing population. We could(God forbid) any day be experiencing what Japan did ..

But no. Everything else is secondary to this nation. The more important things are cricket, the WAGS, how to be corrupt, how to fight the corruption, how to be cool by joining the Facebook movements, and for the media persons, its about how to sensationalize every issue-about how best to make a mountain out of every Goddamn molehill .

Think twice before you use the phrase “India Shining”.Think thrice if you are going on a hunger strike because you really know what it means or just because it’s a brilliant way for you to lose weight.

And definitely think 10 times before calling yourselves a poor nation. And also before you write dreamy stuff in that Vision India 2020 essay.

Jai Hind, anyone?


  1. Nice one.. perfect use of sarcasm.!!!

  2. heya sneha.really a nice blog.u've put everything,every current issue in a nutshell and in a very effective way.keep blogging...:)...btw did u get enough supplements during ur xms???...:P..


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