Choosing to like Tuesdays

I want to thank Mitch and Morrie for highlighting the beauty of Tuesdays - which was otherwise just lived as the day that was closest to Monday and met with only so much love. I also want to thank my dear buddy, who after reading the book told me that we had to make Tuesdays special. The best part-he made sure that I appreciate Tuesdays better by supporting his words through action, which is the best quality of him. A long heart-to-heart about a chapter of his life's story and the important learnings from them - no less than Morrie. And something that could certainly give Mitch a run for his money.

Only one of the most humble persons in this world can tell you that good comes out of suffering. My friend spoke of a beautiful yet tragic time of his life very stoically, but with complete conviction in telling the story without losing sight that the intent was that he wished to convey a message, more than dramatise the story.

Not only am I grateful to him to have shared some life-lessons with me, I also feel privileged of his faith in me to share abig part of his life without inhibition.

Ive always been in awe of the amazingness of my friend, but as the tale ends, I am more amazed at how he consciously chooses to be a giver, even today ,when his vision of happiness had crashed years ago. I am immensely moved by how he chooses to be the good guy, always, even to people who don't earn his goodness. I am humbled that he wishes to empower humankind with his Light, Love and Charm while all he could have done is to run away from them because of his scars. I wish the world could see how he magically portrays the importance of self love and love for others, despite losing love himself, when he thought it was right in his embrace.

We are often the product of our choices, and in today's conversation at breakfast, my friend exemplified that while we must face the consequences of what we choose, how intelligent we must be in dealing with the emotions experienced at the time, are critical to the individual's present and future state of being. My comrade chose to never look back at his hardship  and only looked forth. Back then and even now, he only genuinely wishes to be happy and make others happy , and he chose to become not just an ordinary man changing his life after the unexpected , but by becoming a star that the world would know of soon. He exemplified Oscar Wilde 's- "Some of us are in the gutter, but we are looking at the stars."

A wonderful friend, a good conversation, grand lessons, multifold respect - Never before has a Tuesday been more meaningful.


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